Nijmegen / Dortmund / Vileyka / Mogiliov, April 2019
Community Development and Digitalization
I visited Belarus several times. My goal was to learn more about the country and to get in touch with the people. I am curious on exchanging ideas, in special with the topic community development, health and digitalization.
In April 2019 I introduced ideas of community development and digitalization from my German and Dutch projects to local NGO´s and municipality employee´s in Belarus. One of the workshops was held in Vileyka district, the other in Mogilev.
The following article about my workshop has been published in Belarus:
„The modern world is developing very rapidly, new technologies are coming to us, we are using an increasing number of digital gadgets – phones, netbooks, tablets, e-books. All this to a certain extent creates comfort for a person, but, at the same time, makes him more lonely and devoid of live communication. …“
- go to the the orginal article about the Belarus Workshops with Iris Haarland, :
- google-translation of text as PDF >>
The funding of the workshops was made possible by Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Agenda 21 NRW e.V. (LAG 21 NRW), IBB Dortmund – Internationales Bildungs- und Begegnungswerk from Germany.